"The Top 10 Interview Questions and How to Answer Them"

By Admin 03-04-2023

The initial point of contact between you and a potential employer is frequently your resume. Making a good impression and properly showcasing your abilities and expertise are essential. But creating a winning résumé can be difficult. Here are a few things to remember when writing your resume.


1.Customize your resume for each position you apply for: You might not be allowed to use the same resume for every position. Make your CV specific by emphasising the knowledge and abilities that are relevant to the position. This will demonstrate to the company that you have the skills needed for the position.

2.Use a concise and expert format: Your resume should be simple to read and comprehend. Keep the font size between 10 and 12 points, and use a neat and expert typeface like Times New Roman or Arial. Include your accomplishments and experiences in bullet points, and leave enough white space to make the list visually appealing.

3.Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, emphasise your successes in each area. For example, "Increased sales by 20% in the first quarter" or "Managed a team of 10 employees to complete a project on schedule and within budget" are two examples of how you might use numbers and statistics to demonstrate your effect.

4.Employ keywords: Many employers check resumes for keywords using applicant tracking systems. To improve your chances of being seen, review the job description and incorporate pertinent keywords in your CV.

5.Proofread and edit your work: Grammatical mistakes and typos can give employers the wrong impression. Get a friend or family member to check through your resume after you've gone over it multiple times for accuracy. If you want to make sure your grammar and spelling are impeccable, use internet tools like Grammarly.


1.Usage of buzzwords and platitudes: Steer clear of platitudes and expressions like "team player" and "hard worker." These expressions are overused and don't improve your CV in any way.

2.Never inflate your experience or qualifications on your resume: This goes without saying. The information you offer may be verified by employers, and lying can harm your reputation and career.

3.Use a non-professional email address: Use a name-containing professional email address, such john.smith@email.com. Useless email addresses like partyguy@email.com should be avoided.

4.Include unrelated material: Just include information on your resume that is pertinent to the position you are looking for. Unless they are pertinent to the work, keep personal information like your age, marital status, and interests to yourself.

5.Use a one-size-fits-all strategy: Use a different résumé for each position you apply for. For each position, make sure your CV is tailored to reflect your relevant experiences and abilities.

In conclusion, getting recognised by potential employers depends on your CV. You can write a good CV that effectively highlights your abilities and experiences by adhering to these dos and don'ts. Do not forget to update and reread your resume, highlight your accomplishments, use a clear, professional format, and tailor it to each position you apply for. Keep your writing free of clichés, lies, unprofessional email addresses, extraneous material, and one-size-fits-all strategies. You may make a winning CV that stands out from the competition by keeping these suggestions in mind.